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Updated: Jan 18

June 2001:


by Cesare Cunaccia

Ibrahim Cimbiz, Nicholas Micros, Guilio Paolini, Cornelia Parker, George Segal, Rachel Whiteread

... The forms in disintegration – or maybe undergoing a process of aggregation – that Nicholas Micros constructs with plaster and aluminum evoke mysterious figures wrapped in dramatic folds of cloth. The theatrical gestures of baroque sculpture, the elongated chimeras created by Giacometti absorbed by means of magical rituals the arcane casting of everyday objects, nourishing themselves on allegories and esoteric references, painful memories, mounting triumphant pyramids of athletic trophies, parades of spectral toys. They tend to look like so many white plaster ghosts, wrapped up and dispatched by a plaster cast making Christo, destined to languish in second-rate museums or the humid basements of provincial academies.



Website-Design by Marco Da SIlva

© 2024,

Nicholas Micros


Jonenstrasse 24, 8913 Ottenbach, +41 79 207 61 57

United States

687 Heath Street, Chestnut Hill (Boston), MA, 02467

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